A Complete Web3
A platform provides a complete web3 ecosystem with an "Earning While Learning Web3" model to it's community
Work Flow

Gamexx has strong work flow having the following components

WEB3 Technology

Web3 is the idea of a new, decentralized internet built on blockchains, which are distributed ledgers controlled communally by participants, so GAMEXX has created a platform to accelerate you with the newest technology.


NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is an important part of WEB3 industry, so GAMEXX is bringing an NFT minting and NFT marketplace.


When new things come up it very important for the user to have knowledge about it , so GAMEXX has established a virtual education platform called GAMEXX ACADEMY


A fundamental aspect of the Metaverse is the creation of digital avatars that allow individuals to express their unique emotions and feelings and to provide futuristic experience of a real metaverse Gamexx is creating its native metaverse.


Today almost 40% of the world's population are involve in playing video games, so GAMEXX is providing a "PLAY 2 EARN" platform and oppurtunaty to make more profits by sharing the business model with new users community.

Blockchain & Cryptocurrency

We all know Blockchain & Cryptocurrency is the future of decentralized economy , so GAMEXX created Gamexx Token (GMX) strong, limited, secure, and multi utility crypto token to backup the Gamexx eco-system.

Gamexx Token GMX

Gamexx Token (GMX) strong, limited, secure, and multi utility crypto token


Gamexx has a strong roadmap to build a complete web3 eco-system.